
क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत्।


संस्कृतभाषा अस्माकं‌ भारतस्य इतिहास-पुराण-काव्यादीन् पोषयन्ती अस्तीति एका भाषा।
संस्कृतभारती देवभाषां जनभाषां कर्तुं समाजे कार्यं कुर्वती अस्ति।
संस्कृतभारत्याः एकः छात्रः/कार्तकर्ता प्रतिदिनमपि रूप्यकत्रयं वा रूप्यकपञ्चकं‌ वा अस्यां पेटिकायां स्थापयेत्।


    • Samskritam was protected by many sages, and our ancestors for many centuries.
    • Samskritam is a Deva-bhasa, desha-bhasa and a gnana-bhasa. Samskrita Bharati is making it a  'Jana-bhasa', that is people's language.
    • Samskritam is a wonderful source to portray our ancient history, culture and heritage. 
    • Samskritam language is uplifting our cultural values and conveying us to learn our heritage.

We have started a new initiative called,  'Akshayyam', to protect and promote Samskritam.

This initiative is simple. We'll handover a brochure and a sticker (that you need to stick to your 'Hundi') and put a minimum of Rs.3 everyday on that Hundi. Request your children to do it. Thus, the children will be able to understand the importance of learning Samskritam and protecting it wholeheartedly.

Option 1

 Put atleast Rs.3 a day

 (encourage your kids to do so).


Option 2

 Put Rs.100 every month.

Option 3

 Put Rs. 200 / 500 every month.

Reviving a language, rejuvenating a culture.

Dear Volunteers,

We will provide the sticker (the image used in left-hand side will be used as sticker) that you need to stick to your 'Hundi' and put some amount on that. You can collect the sticker by calling us at 94437-22006

We will send you the sticker by India Post. 


After collecting the sum each month, you've to transfer the sum to us, by visiting our website, and kindly donate it to us. 

Click here to Donate
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