English Samskrit Dictionary
There was a great need for a concise and good English Samskrit Dictionary for those who use Samskrit language as
a medium of communication. We are happy that this publication is a step forward in this regard.We are aware that this dictionary is inadequate in some respects like number of words, different meanings of the same word etc. We have selected English words and it's meanings on the basis of the frequency of use. While selecting Samskrit words, All-India acceptability, simplicity i.e. easy to understand and use, were the criteria.
We are grateful to Sri Bhuvanagiri Ananta Sharma, Smt. Sharada Jayagovinda and Smt. Tarangini Khot for editing
this and our sincere thanks to Kum.Sarita Borale, Sri Shrinanda Bapat, Kum. Suvarna Bhat, Kum. Sheetala A.
Gogate, Kum. Anagha Karambelkar, Kum. Akalpita Mhasavode, Kum. Preeti Kelkar and Kum. Vasanti Bhagavat for assisting in editing.